Make UHC part of SG

A lot of players have asked for UHC, I think the way to do this is (because they are relatively similar) is to include it as a game mode within SG, this would of course have to come in the big SG update. The hive could call it UHC as that grabs attention, or to draw attention they could make SG hardcore, jumping on the hardcore trend. So how would the game actually work? The match would last a maximum of 25 minutes. The map would be a pre-made old-style world with villages, temples and ore evenly scattered throughout. Players would spawn in the center of the maps and regeneration would only come from gapples. The tick speed would be increased so that food grows faster and there would be duos and solos modes.
I aimed to keep it very vanilla but also fitting in the Hive’s style of minigames. I do think they could make the ores drop rng items like in SW though that may stray too far away.

i think UHC would work more as a Speed UHC game mode. speed uhc games last around 10 minutes. grace period of about two minutes, and you spawn in an area that leads down to a cave that has 5 diamonds, lapis which gives you xp bottles, gravel which give you arrows, and cobwebs that give you string. there’s also iron and gold scattered everywhere. to make it “speedy”, there are plugins like timber, and cut clean (trees break when you mine one log connecting them, iron and gold drop the ingots when mined.) at mid, if we wanted to make this a similar gamemode to sg, we could have loot that would allow you get better gear, such as enchant books, diamonds, sticks, enchant bottles, lava buckets, arrows, etc. this seems like a quick paced game, shorter than SG and longer than SW. it also has an aspect of skill because you could be full diamond with no healing, and a half diamond with lots of it could kill you. we would of course have to make it so that leaves drop apples when broken.

edit: one thing i forgot to mention is mid would have an enchant table and anvils. mid could be like a castle per say

i would be completely fine waiting for the sg update for a lot longer if i knew this gamemode would come with it. i would probably go back to bedrock for a bit to play it


uhc is a game of cap
its supposed to be ultra hardcore but i win every time

You’re just hardcore

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lol i play uhc with 100% grind mode
its too easy

UHC is easy there will be no point of adding it. They should add an event like Minecraft Monday but people are saying it’s copy right ig they don’t have a brain to understand to make it different to your style of server lol

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Honestly the Hive needs to grow a bit more on the content creation, I think once potato, evident, Diecies and a few others are at 100k aswell as the hive making an offcial tik tok and more tiktokers being known for hive content we can get something like minecraft monday, the arrival of mixed arcade should help.