UHC is a very interesting Minigame. UHC has been around since the beginnings of Minecraft, it requires skill, although can be casual. It would be teams of 1, 2, or/and 4. The game starts you off in a randomly generated place, having no idea in the world, where the other teams are. You don’t Regen, unless you have a golden apple. There are no chests, no lootboxes, no handouts. You do this all yourselves and you have a set amount of time to get the most amount of resources possible, and possi…
A lot of players have asked for UHC, I think the way to do this is (because they are relatively similar) is to include it as a game mode within SG, this would of course have to come in the big SG update. The hive could call it UHC as that grabs attention, or to draw attention they could make SG hardcore, jumping on the hardcore trend. So how would the game actually work? The match would last a maximum of 25 minutes. The map would be a pre-made old-style world with villages, temples and ore evenl…
Click on them to support previous UHC suggestions, make sure to use the search bar so you don’t make an unneccessary post (Unless your post is just what the Hive needed to decide to make UHC)
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