Make the Treasure a Block

Currently, the treasures in treasure wars are entities.

I have some benefits of making the treasures a block:

  1. You would be able to place blocks over it. Currently, if you tap or aim your crosshair on the treasure and place, it won’t do anything. You have to place the blocks by aiming your crosshair or tapping on a different block.

  2. You will have more reach. I’m sure most of you have noticed that you can break blocks from a much father distance than you can break the treasure. This is because the treasure is an entity. If we made it a block, we wouldn’t have to break so many more blocks just to reach the treasure.

  3. The treasure won’t be a single tap. If you have watched java bed wars, you can see that the player has to actually break the bed, not just tap it.

So… how would we make the treasures be a block and still look the same way they do? Just re texture the block. I would recommend a quick breaking block (obviously) glass might be good.

I feel like making the treasures a block instead of an entity, would help so much.

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Cool idea! However, some treasures would be impossible to be made into blocks because of their odd shapes. Your 1st point is the only one that bugs me, but idc that much


Maybe they should give the treaure health so it takes more then one hit


That would actually be really fun!


Great idea, but sadly, you can’t retexture the treasure, as everyone would have to download a texture pack. They would need an entity that has health and you need to punch it, as stated up there.


Nah, I wouldn’t really like that imo. But that’s just my opinion.


Treasures are fine as is, adding a “passive defense” of health or it being a block itself would remove some of the necessary choices you make(minor defense or rushing faster)

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I think the treasure being the way it is encourages players to put some sort of defense on it, so I think it’s fine the way it is

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How would it encourage players to put defence on it?

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The current way does, if it was a block that took time to break, defenses wouldn’t matter as much as you have a free wool layer

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It would be a block that would break as fast as glass tho

A block takes longer to break so players may be able to get to the player faster before they break it, but right now treasures are one tap so you have to put defense so players just don’t run over and just tap it do putting defense helps slow down the time to get to the treasure

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It would be a block that can break as fast as glass

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Then what’s the point

Look at the benefits I put in the topic

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Oops my bad, but the only real benefit is farther reach and that gets canceled out one there is a defense

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i like every part of this topic

except this

its already annoying enough when the other team has a sword and you’re tryna break it

and as @BlazeDrake pointed out, everyone would stop adding defence to their treasure

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Nah. That would make massive defenses annoying in 3s and 4s

So… how would we make the treasures be a block and still look the same way they do? Just re texture the block. I would recommend a quick breaking block (obviously) glass might be good.

Minor fatigues team upgrade will work best with your idea … if they added that too

Block models were just announced at minecraft live so this might be possible now without needing a texture pack