Make No Hurt Cam Allowed

Make No Hurt Cam allowed on Hive

Me and my friend have been complaining about how No Hurt Cam is banable on hive. I dont see the point in banning this as it just simply doesnt move your minecraft camera. There are many clients that disable Hurt Cam which makes your game so much smoother and its not like its a hack or something.

This is to allow No Hurt Cam on Hive and I hope the Hive Team sees this and maybe consider this idea.

they should make it so we can use it with clients like flarial


upvote. please this is a massive thing needed/

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Yeah i agreed with this feature if it allows this one
will be a game changer

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Please stop spamming low-effort comments asking people to upvote suggestions.


This is a good idea, but what about the players like me who play on console. Playing on console makes it pretty much impossible to use something like no hurt cam.

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Removing Hurt Cam is most likely banned because of the Unfair Advantage provided. People who do not have hurt cam activated would have better aim in fights therefore possibly getting better hits and better aim, which could result in the enemy getting less hits and losing. That is just how I feel about it personally! :smiley:


I bet somebody might make a console client

They should just make it a setting on minecraft.


Just wanted to post about this. Why hurtcam even exists in minecraft :frowning:


I don’t know either :pensive:

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The way you worded this just makes it a better reason as to why No Hurt Cam should be allowed.

is that not allowed? my friend mains on flarial and so do many youtubers

Clients like Flarial and Onix client are fine to use on Hive

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Oops mb i meant people with no hurt cam

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Before i vote, what is hurt cam?

it’s when your camera shakes after you take damage


What I thought. (^^)

Why is that useful? You already take knockback

Having no camera movement after damage means it is easier to focus on the enemy and gives an advantage to players who have it since it is easier to strafe and get combos.

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