Lootable Tombstones in SkyWars

When players die in Survival Games, a tombstone appears where the player died. All of their loot is placed in the tombstone, and other players can pick up what they want. I would like it if this feature was in SkyWars, because my inventory gets clogged up instantly after killing one or two other players.

I was playing a game of SkyWars earlier today, and this player I killed dropped a Diamond Helmet that I wanted. However, my inventory was full from the other person I had killed earlier. It took about a minute for me to finally get the Diamond Helmet from moving around and dropping items in my inventory that I didn’t care about. That was a very painful experience.

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I believe this is a duplicate suggestion, as gravestones have been suggested before.
Next time use the search function before making a post. :slight_smile:
Welcome to forums!

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I’m sorry, I couldn’t find any posts about SkyWars tombstones. Thanks for the response.

We’re actually already working on adding this :slight_smile: