Knockback Nemo Cooldown and Other Suggestions for a Knockback Nemo Update

The Knockback Nemo is an overpowered item, and I personally would like it removed, but I know some people like it. So to make most players happy, I think there should be a Knockback Nemo cooldown, which would restrain the player from using the Knockback Nemo for more than 2 seconds. This would make it impossible to spam the Knockback Nemo, making people who want it removed happier, but would make the people who want to keep the Knockback Nemo in the game happy, as their favorite weapon would still remain in SkyWars. If anything, I would suggest doing this. (someone else posted a cooldown suggestion before me so I will credit them Add a cooldown to Knockback Nemo)
But if The Hive was to make a full-fledged Knockback Nemo update, they should consider adding it to Treasure Wars. I would suggest a price of at least 32 Emeralds. If you were to buy a Knockback Nemo from the Item Shop, it would work like armor, you wouldn’t lose it when you die.
The Hive could also add it to Survival Games. In Supply Drops, you could get it. This would be useful in fights, as you could quickly turn around, hit the person with the nemo, and run. It could also be used in Deathmatch to hit people into the water.

Hey there! This has already been suggested here please use the :mag: in the top right to avoid making duplicates.

Nope! When duplicates are made they usually get closed by moderators or Hive team members, and discussion continues on the original.

No, you just aren’t using good game sense when someone has it.


Closing this thread as it is a duplicate suggestion.