When you get into a queue of bridge you get into a queue, but won’t be tp’d out of the lobby.
Through the new bridge updates the waiting lobby got way more context and things to explore.
So wouldn’t it make sense to teleport the players to the lobby when queuing.
This is like this because of skill based matchmaking (sbmm), and its been suggested that sbmm be removed in this post. I think these sort of tie in with each other soo idk
This seems like it would lead to unnecessary nether glitch.
There’s probably a lot of people who would rather stay in the hub than in the Bridge lobby. Either one population is happy and the other isn’t or a way to choose between the two options is made.
I doubt the latter would be implemented so I’ll try to find which population is larger with a poll.
Would you rather wait out the queue in the Hub or in the Bridge lobby?
- The Hub
- The Bridge lobby
- Indifferent (Don’t Care)