Hive PVP/Knockback changed or something (CHANGE BACK)

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):
Every PVP gamemode

What is the bug?
Hey guys. I was wondering if all of you have noticed what I’m about to say. I’ve noticed every since about a week ago, it’s SO much harder to combo people. People I used to demolish are now trading hits with me. Did the knockback or something change? Even mobile players I used to destroy are now super difficult to hit and combo into the void. I’ve noticed this with everything. I’ve noticed players that used to denominate ME are now just trading hits with me and it’s super aggravating. I’m just saying, something changed and I don’t like it. Now I can barely combo. My friends and other users on the hive have noticed all of this too. Even snowballs and other projectiles seem to do a bit less knockback making it harder to snowball or bow combo. W-tapping seems to do nothing now and when trying I still get hit. Jump resetting also seems to work in a different way.

Device(s) & Version
Windows 11 Laptop

Screenshots and/or video:

Final thoughts
Guys, let me know in the comments if you noticed Knockback changes or it being harder to combo people.

You followed the bug report format, but didn’t keep it as a bug report. So if you could kindly put it in #server-bug-reports it would be appreciated!

Also I don’t think they did change anything to knockback. Did you perhaps update your game to a render dragon version? You could also just be playing against harder players, seems be a lot recently.


Nope that’s not it at all. Others notice as well. Also no I don’t want this as a bug report. I need this issue known to others.

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The “issue” will still be known if you make it as a bug report. Also you can always check this stuff by asking in their discord. I would for you, but I’m still banned. So you’ll have to ask yourself, sorry!

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Why are you banned lol

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Im serious. This is a real issue. It’s so hard to combo now. Noobs that aren’t aiming at all are taking barley any kb when I’m simply TRYING TO COMBO THEM

I don’t notice anything wrong with hive kb, and I have the exact same device as you. Have you thought that maybe you’re just off your game a bit?

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So when you’re w-tapping people are high in the sky as usual? When I do now, people don’t go high at all and stay right in front of me taking like no Knockback and trading hits with me even if I use a snowball. Half my friends have noticed it harder as well

For me it’s the exact same, my friends and I haven’t noticed any difference. Which region are you on? You could be in the wrong region, or maybe Hive is having some problems with that region. Have you taken a break from hive recently?

Earlier you said it was half? I’m in NA as well.

“all” is an over exaggerating term for half. Generally meaning the same thing. Please don’t try and stumble my words.

Half your friends, and now you say all your friends. “All” is all of your friends. Sorry if you took it that I’m trying to stumble your words. Are the half of your friends on different devices?

You know what I mean. Bruh

I’m just trying to figure out what could be wrong.

I don’t know what’s wrong. I’m going to try and compare results based off my past pvp vids and current

Sounds good. lmk if you find anything out.

Okay thank you

It’s just really stressing me out how the hive changed it and I feel like I suck at PVP when I used to be able to combo people like Ignacioblades

If it is noticed by you and your friends but not anyone else it could be a problem with the internet in your area. Perhaps it is messing with your ping. Another possibility is changes to the anticheat messing with hit registration or knockback.

Yeah, IDK. All I know is that PVP doesn’t feel the same anymore.