Hive Player Story Room

What if there was a room created once you level up in a game(so getting level 2 in a game, and not a ltm), you can use the /room command, which gives you a whole room that shows a closet(with all your costumes), hats, and backblings), a painting room(all your avatars), A Library/Shelf(with all your hub titles), and being able to customize your room(like a skull forom DR or a bed from bed) leveling up in games now can give you items to customize your room. You can invite friends over. there will be shelpf with all your leaderboard accomplishments, level milestones, and stat milestones. there will also be a laptop to go to any website that is promoted in the hive chat. The laptop also allows you to do any custom command the hive has(like /report, /cs, or /costume). It’s like housing, but in a hive style way.
Edit: Now I’m lookin for an area that the Story room could be.

I hope you like this. This might be a TL;DR but I don’t know. This could be cool to look back at your history on the hive. Anyways, for now, always know your amazing, and CYA :v:!

Seems interesting, they could be themed?
And they could be stored in different rooms like a gallery and closet?
Like an actual locker?


I think it would work as a microhub, with lots of shops and buildings arcade & each building would be themed around the cosmetic.


bro i love this so much :sob: I hope they add this, voted!


Could work in conjuction with The Hive Museum


This would work with my old idea (which is still yet to be posted) as an additional part of the long awaited swarms update of having a custom base with some of the features you actually talked about here like custom stats holograms and displays of achievements. :boombox:

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Sounds pretty cool. I’ll vote!

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I’m gonna start working in what it would look like. I like the idea of an arcade by @Gr33nPuffin, so ye. (:

Swarms of bees?


BU-MP spells B-U-M-P
Well I edited it. and I well definitely do it. pinky promise. Maybe.

No, the hive swarms update was an extension of custom servers and allowed you to create a group with its own lobby thing, and do different things as a swarm.

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What happenned to it?

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They have not released any word of developments for swarms for the last 5 years or so…

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Another Bump cause it got buried again. I need new ideas so I’ll make a poll :smiley:

  • Add a Stouch
  • Show your leaderboard stats
  • Show who’s online on the computer
  • Add nothing
  • My own idea(reply)
0 voters

IDEA: Show your other statistics on one wall

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Cool Idea but maybe it would be to expensive for the Hive to make it cause it would be in an dedicated server or just one room where u only see your self that for example is in the Hub and everyone only sees what they ciustomized ?

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I meant it would be one room in the hive hub. H you could teleport to it or find it in the hub.

What do you mean by stouch and the computer?

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a custom lookin block that looks like a computer that shows you commands, and touch from this.(

Bump I want this more ideas for this suggestion.

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