ever gonna bring back java hive? i really miss playing hivemc on java i met alot cool friends alot cool people the admins were really nice the gameplay was really really fun, it kept me going throughout covid-19.
just wondering if there can ever be another chance where java hive comes back? I really miss the whole community and the server itself
from what i heard/remember the Java Hive was forced to shut down due to financial issues about mods/admins not getting paid enough and it was really expensive to run the java server, if you guys had enough funds will there be a possibility of java hive returning?
Whilst we appreciate the enthusiasm for the now-closed Java server, we have no interest in bringing it back. The capabilities of Bedrock align much closer to The Hive, and that’s ignoring the massive effort and funding needed to (co)exist on Java. For the foreseeable future, we’re investing in our Bedrock minigame and MMO/SkyBlock servers.