Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):
Hide and Seek
What was affected -
All regions, Color of the hiding Block “Leaves”
What is the bug?
On certain Maps, such as Harvest, Pripyat and a few more, the Leaves Block, even tho its 1:1 the same Leaves Type, has a brighter Color than the Blocks on the Map, which makes it easier for Seekers to find them, but harder for Leaves to hide, which affects the Players Experience quite often.
Device(s) & Version
What platform do you play on (Win10, Xbox, Switch, iOS, Android or PS4) and what version of Minecraft are you using?
Win10, PS4 and always the latest.
Screenshots and/or video:
N/A due to PC Hardwipe, will be sent to support mail when catched.