Ground Wars Problem that NEEDS to be fixed

The Ground Wars Update (I had to go back to my good old 8th-grade math class for this one)

Hello Splodger, Clankstar, and everybody else seeing this. I have done my calculations and found that as usual it takes 118ish hours for an average person to max ground wars. Thats insane. 1xp per kill should be like 5 - 10. And for every win, it should be like 35 experience. I also see how you don’t get any experience when you claim powerups so make it like a block drop and every powerup claimed will give you 10 experience.

1 kill is 1 XP, and 1 win is 10 XP. The maximum level for this game is 20. To get to level 20 you need 28,500 experience. If you get a kill every 10 - 30 seconds this is random. And you occasionally win a game 50/50 which to win usually takes up to 5 minutes long. How long would this take you may ask…

Well, it would take around 118.75 hours to do this. Which in my books is a waste of time. I want to have fun while playing Hive not constantly be grinding out the game which is very unhealthy.

If it was changed so every kill is 5xp and each win is 45xp with powerups being like 10xp the average person would be able to max this 19.79 Hours which is still quite unhealthy but is way better than your previous 118.75 Hours, Id take it. Now Hive I hope you change this to something like this as there are many problems that I could talk about in the future. If you need to contact me my DMs are always open! Best regards, HiveLanky :heart: :heart:

I like it how it is. They just need to update gameplay wise.

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Yeah, grounds wars should definitely get more ways to get xp. BTW, this is kind of a duplicate to another topic.

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but this one goes in more depth. I did the math too caculate and too show its really unhealthy to play a game for this long.


Nice idea, @HiveLanky! I Was trying to do the same for skywars :heavy_plus_sign: :heavy_equals_sign:. Your ideas are very nice!

Yeah, I do respect how you calculated the stuff

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if you play everyday, 2 hours per day playing GROUNDWARS would take you about 2 months from your estimation. Let’s be real would we actually grind ground wars.
I do agree cause I’m still lvl 2.5 :sob:
Wait is it unhealthy I’ve played ctf for like 6 months up to 3 hours a day?
Have I actually spent over 550 hours on ctf??


@kingcjt98 I’m level 3 or something but I never seen that xp bar go up in like ages… I play ground wars around 10 minutes a day and sometimes not so maybe that’s why

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wow this has been suggested before. tbh I just thought it might’ve been different(I did not forget bout your posts)