Going inside shop keeper

I think there should be a fix to this problem, but they maybe do not need to fully block them off, they could use the other methods like others suggested.


Dude you realise the same happens to them right? So if you were the enclose someone in the shop keeper they canā€™t get out because they canā€™t move but are always hitting the keeper so they canā€™t break the blocks around them. This a good reason why you should keep it in because this is a great counter and is a major part in many peopleā€™s strats. Or you could just projectile them. Think about it this way, you are removing something that you donā€™t know how to counter? Maybe inquire into what you canā€™t do against shop keeper camping if the usual thing doesnā€™t work. I 90% sure that you have tried anything else than hitting them.

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Lately I have been placing blocks around the shopkeeper at the start but in a way so Nobody can actually get in it, unless they actually try breaking into it, and in a way so I can still buy stuff

I know this is mean, but if somebody goes inside a shopkeeper I just trap them there with blocks so they donā€™t repeat it.

I might do that as well

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Donā€™t do that, Iā€™m pretty sure traps like that fall under delaying the game unless you kill them right away. So thatā€™s actually another reason to remove this

What about making the Npc shorter?

Also Iā€™m gonna bump since there was was a duplicate post that had a similar subject

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Mini bump.

Today I went to CubeCraft to play Egg Wars and I noticed that you couldnā€™t open the shopkeeper with tools or weapons.

I think we should have a similar feature to this so we can still hit the players in it without getting sent to the shop Interface to prevent people from exploiting the shopkeeper


They should make the shopkeeper a little smaller so its harder to hide in them. People would try to hide in the shopkeeper and you would hit them on the head bc the shopkeeper is a dwarf.

They should just make the shop keeper like the mystery chest where itā€™s a sold block

heres what we need


How about they just completely remove the ability to hide in it

Thatā€™s what he quoted me saying smh

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We will be implementing a feature to prevent players from hiding inside the shop keeper NPC, and to prevent players from being able to trap others inside the shop keeper as well.

The implementation will be much like how interactables (vending machines etc.) function in Murder Mystery :slight_smile:


We have added this suggestion (by preventing players from being able to go into the shop keeper NPC), it is rolling out now :slightly_smiling_face: