Gift Notes

So hide should add gifting notes

I see other topics to this but isn’t similar to this one.

So the thing is, When you gift someone when they are offline or in a game, when they get to the hub, a gifting message will show that you got a gift from someone but you add the text to change the gifting message to say things like if you want them to add you or if you want to say something to them. Overall, I think it would be a good idea for this.

So what you’re saying is that when you give someone directly a gift, you can write a message to send to them when they receive it?

This unforunately won’t be added.

I don’t get it because of party chat…

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You can’t use party chat with less than 3 players. 1 on 1 messaging isn’t possible. As long as we forget about custom servers like Hive wants us to.