Games shouldn't automatically start before the minimum requirement for players is reached

I just made a custom server and was waiting for people to join. Nobody did. Nobody can. Because the game automatically started without me knowing.

Why is this a thing?

The game should not automatically begin before the minimum player requirement is reached. So that I can wait for people to join my game without having to constantly monitor it.

Better yet, make it so a game cannot start at all unless an operator presses the Start Game button.

My goodness, this would solve a lot of problems.

Hello there,
I’m pretty sure that custom server games don’t start without reaching the minimum requirement for players,

I do agree with this!


no what tall said is true even i made a cs and it started without anyone joining

That’s weird, It never happened to me, which game?
@TallScissors938 @Gaminthunder

skywars was my game when it hapened
i did extend the time by 5 min
before tho so that i cud do the parkour and stuff :smiley:

False, same issue happens to me and I have to keep extending the countdown

Would you guys care to join me in a game of custom servers and test it out? I would appreciate if you can please ping me here or dm on discord :grinning:

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@ItsWoozieE check the dm’s…
srry for the double ping…oh wait i can’t come cuz im banned :man_facepalming:t2:

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I was in a skywars game lobby for over 15 mins with 7 people needed to start… and the game didn’t start.
I probably think it’s a bug, if someone could recreate then please take a video or screenshot of it for refrence.

It either happens when selecting “Extend countdown” or just randomly

I actually recorded 3 videos and both showcase the issue.


It looks like the countdown starts once you hit extend countdown and breaks the requirement check, it will be fixed soon :+1:


i could start a priv game by my self

Did it start without you forcing it to?

no i force started it

This is slowly rolling out game-by-game (won’t all be today, just when we release other CS updates to a game).

It’s currently on purpose that you can start a game with just yourself.