to add in a “favorite” section in the friends menu.
More information:
I think there should be different tabs you can have in the friend menu because with the more friends you have, its harder to keep track of them. May be there could be just one tab, such as a “favorite” tab like Xbox has. Or maybe you could have multiple tabs and with hive + or a partner rank you could get more.
Edit: There could also maybe be a “search” option so you could find your friends easier. it gets pretty annoying when you’re trying to find someone when you have a lot of friends.
unfortunately, this is a duplicate suggestion. next time, please check that no one has already suggested your idea before you suggest it. you can check that no one has suggested it by searching your idea using the icon
This… isn’t a dupe. Please fully read both the supposedly duped suggestion and whatever suggestion you link before calling dupes, as this suggestion proposes a new tab for favorite friends, and possibly other things, while the linked suggestion proposes favorite friends to be shown at the top of the list, and nothing else. Suggestions are more than just the title.
I didn’t only suggest a favorites option to have at the top of your list, I suggested having multiple tabs which I have not seen anyone think of before. Although our posts are similar, they aren’t the same. Sorry for the confusion.
Firstly, they suggested two things, multiple tabs and a search tool, and they just alluded to multiple tabs, without saying anything more.
The concept, the main idea, is favourite friends. Its in the title, and thats what titles are for.
If they want to suggest multiple tabs, put that in the title, and actually give some ideas.
With your logic, i could make a Hive++ suggestion, put Hive++ in the title, but also put Hive+++ and Hive++++ in there, while only talking about Hive++.