Expanded Party Functions! (Open Parties)

Wow Great idea Impizzas!


I actually forgot to vote again…

end me


I wanted to add a few more ideas that I’ve come up with. Especially with some Hive updates that are coming up!

When the new swarms come out I would like to see swarm only parties.
/party open swarms (only swarm members can join)

I feel they might be able to implement private games. Maybe having a command to toggle that. Or just select people have it.
/party private

Adding party chats functions would be really beneficial as well. Instead of communicating with the whole lobby or game.
/party chat on/off
Maybe an ignore feature as well
/party ignore

Thanks again for reading. If you have any ideas at all related please do reply. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I already suggested Private Parties (along with /p start) and /p chat was also suggested by another person however it did not talk about that “on/off”.

If they would add a /p ignore command, they would also need to add a “Ignore” button for the GUI.

Anyways, I like your idea :slight_smile:

Private games will be a part of swarms, not parties. I like the swarm only idea, and party chat sadly won’t be added due to restrictions made by Mojang for partners

I’m all for some extra party commands since I find the whole party system real awkward on Hive Bedrock, especially in comparison to Java. It’d be neat to be able to click invites and such in the chat window like Java but I’m not sure that’s an option with Bedrock. Or uh, have a pop-up when you get invited to a party that gives you options to accept, deny, ignore, etc. without having to open the book - Similar to the idea of profile windows.

Commands are still really awkward to type if you’re on a console but some of these seem really useful! Good luck with the suggestion. :heart:


I totally agree with this

@Ryan PM’d me to tell you that The Hive is adding party chat for parties with 3 or more members.

Dang, how long will his mute end :frowning:

I saw that in the swarm roadmap post! I’m excited :slight_smile:


I agree
Creating parties should have more features because you might want to invite a lot of friends but other friends are on top of your friends and it invites them



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Hello Pizzas,
I am Beans


Welcome to my amazing suggestion. If you have any ideas/ input to add please do. (probably just edit your reply though)


Honestly this would be pretty good especially for content creators who unfortunately do not have the YT rank and for other things

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I think that would be a nice idea.

Especially friendsonly mode for Streamer.


bump (so that newer forumers can see)

I wish that more commands could be added… There are even more party commands I can think of that could be added…


it has 69 votes. I want to vote but… I don’t want to vote. help

Welp I can’t trust myself anymore for bumping way to many old posts

Bump, seems nice

I actually almost suggested a /p join command, glad I didn’t! :smile:

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