Don't start the game if there will be a lopsided team

Sometimes I see that I’m on a trios/duos game and I’m either on a team of 2 on trios, or solo on duos. People can disconnect mid-game, I’m fine with that, but it’s really unfair when I queue for a game of trios, and instead “get on a duos game,” AKA I have a lopsided team.

I think that the game shouldn’t start if there isn’t max players, as it can be unfair when you’re the only one on your team from the start, and you get killed by a team of 3. I signed up to play trios, not solos.

People can disconnect mid-game, I’d be fine with that, but it’s an unfair advantage to the other teams when you START with a lopsided team.

Happened to me in TWars duos.

Also adding this will make the parkour actually possible.

Lets say The Hive implements this idea.
People can still load up into the game, then leave 10 seconds after it starts.

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…or just stay AFK until the game ends

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