Death messages

Every time that a player gets killed for a reason, innocents’ number falls. That doesn’t provide a lot of info. Also, some players use methods discovering the murderer observing the innocent number (like me). Its a bit confusing and hard if someone died by himself or by the murderer or by a sheriff (or innocent with 1 shot zapper) (ok the last one is the easiest of all) and it may guide you to the wrong person, killing an innocent player. You can say it and like a “report” of the discovered dead body. How about add death messages on any death occasion? See some examples:

Death by murderer:

Player was killed by the murderer

Death by falling in water of Remnants, of Castle Town (or of other locations that I can’t remember now) or being afk kicked or by logging off:

Player committed suicide.


Player didn’t want to live anymore in this gloomy world.

Death from a sheriff or from an innocent with zapper:

Player A thought that Player B was the murderer.
Player A understood his mistake and committed suicide.

*(Both messages will be sent.)

Someone kills the murderer:

Player found the murderer. The murderer was…
(After the message, players will see the Hero, the player that collected the most coins and the MURDERER.)

Will death messages be useful?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Any more ideas? Write any comments below.

That doesn’t seem the most family friendly…


I see no point in showing the player’s name, because it would ruin the whole system of hiding a player’s name tag, so you don’t know who is who.

This not kid friendly (which is bad because a majority of people on the Hive are kids).

This not kid friendly (which is bad because a majority of people on the Hive are kids).

Also, what is the point of the poll? If you think death messages will be useful, then you’ll just vote for the topic itself.

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@Thomas4725 @SmileyOnSpot

1st: The murderer’s name wont be revealed, only of the player-victim. It won’t affect the murderer. You can say it like a dead body identification. I prefer this, instead of a “boring” message like “A player died”.
2nd: I added the “suicide”, because I see the “died” word. So, if I change the “suicide” with the phrase “abandoned the area” or “tried to survive by going away” will it look more family friendly (as an idea)?
3rd: This pole is my 1st one and I wanted to test it.

  1. The victim player’s name being revealed could still cause problems.
  2. Yes, it will make it more family friendly, but those aren’t good phrases, lol.
  3. I figured.

Also, in the future, please don’t @ our name. Just reply to one of us and we’ll get a noto.

These seem a bit… grim, for a family friendly server. I think it should just be “Player died” as anything alluding to suicide is still bad

That’s just my opinion tho

Good idea it’s just some of these messages are questionable…

I’m pretty sure that they don’t mean revealing who the murderer is in the message “Player was killed by the murderer”. For example, using my username and my friend’s username would be “VestedCarp91073 was killed by the murderer”, not “VestedCarp91073 was killed by itzzchikara”.

Maybe it’s possible as I’ve seen another server showed the first death message. (It’s “The murderer killed playername.”)
But for the other one maybe changing it to “playername accidentally fell off” or something else?

Hey, hi, I’m back.

This is a dupe, but I won’t flag yet just in case I’m wrong.

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yup, it’s a dupe.

Thank you for taking the time to leave a suggestion. This idea has already been suggested, if you’d like to see it added, be sure to leave a vote on the original post:

Have a great day! :slightly_smiling_face: