So if you don’t know by now, Hive has a hide and seek update coming our way. As the new max level costume, I think it would be great to have the hives first customisable costume.
How would it work?
The game would look inside your hide and seek locker and work out what cosmetics you have on. It would then add these cosmetics onto a leaf block. For example, if you had the witch hat, a monocle and the cartoon legs equipped, it would look like this:
The costume concept is very small and would actually be deemed as ‘unfair’, purely based off skins allowed on the server.
Perhaps the costume could be two blocks piled upon eachother?
why do i have to max imo the most boring game for the coolest costume :(( other from this it would have to be 2 blocks stacked or else the hitbox will be broken and it will be unfair but this looks cool
While I like idea of having a llama head, it feels odd if it acted as a players head only. Grass block, chain, llama head. Where did half the body go??