Customisable Max Level Hide Costume

imagine being a seeker with this costume


I think it comes by sense that
a) nametags will be shown everytime they move. I know crouching is a abuse.
b) they could default to your Minecraft skin, or just make you a yellow steve if your skin is 4D/ not allowed on Hive.

yeh I know but it would be funny

very funny

This concept will work with your hider look, but will be customisable, so you can be any block you want.
The leaf block is just an example.

Is an visual glitch, I quited a round and somehow my hand wasn’t appearing, them I appeared as a hider, ofc, is an visual glitch so only me could see me as an hider.

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Good idea!! But wouldn’t it be better as a cover for the game? If not, it would be unfair to be smaller than other players, but I will vote for your idea.

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Hey there! Welcome to the forums! :blobheart:

and by the way I agree with you

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Well, we got a max level Hide & Seek costume! It is awarded at level 50 and is titled ‘Ultimate Hider’.
The costume can be seen here.