Custom Server Invite Cooldown

Have your friends or someone else ever spammed you with invites to a custom server and you get really annoyed at it? Well with this there will be a 5 second cooldown for each person every time you invite someone to a custom server. And if you invite all your friends at once then there it will be a 5 second cooldown for that as well.


Makes sense to me, so you got my vote. Also until then (if it ever comes) you can use /toggles and turn off custom server invites.

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if u do /toggles u can turn cs invites off midgame iirc

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Just disable custom server invites by doing /toggles

I guess this still can be a good idea though so I’m gonna vote.

I just unfriend the spammers most of the time. It gets annoying, and my friends do invite me to CSs so I won’t turn em’ off