CTF improvements

So with the CTF update, I’m pretty sure a lot of us were disappointed with the fact that hive didn’t change any of the problems in CTF, rather just added maps. I have a few suggestions to clear these problems, while trying to keep the game as simple as possible.

There will be a ‘kill cap’ in which if you kill 5 players within the span of a minute, you get sent back to your team’s spawn (you do not die).

If the score of the game has not changed for 5-7 minutes, the flags will move closer to the middle, and the game will be changed into ‘Winner Takes All’ in which the first team to capture the other team’s flag will win the whole game. This victory will also offer some extra xp, as some people would have probably left by the time the winner takes all comes. Hive could either update all the maps, or just make an entirely new one to solve the problem of stalemates.

Well, since hive added a ton of new maps, why don’t they just add more weapons and armor?
Basically a deathrun power up. Costs 75 gold
A better version of the bow that takes a bit longer to charge up. Costs 125 gold
-Poison arrows
Poison arrows (poison 1) that cost 60 gold for 12 arrows (to debuff them)
-Diamond armor
Just a diamond chestplate to give you slightly more protection in battle for 200 gold AFTER you buy the iron armor.
A custom sword with fire aspect 1 that costs 300 gold with the same base damage as a diamond sword.

Maybe a different mode would be better. Perhaps a mode in which there are three flags and you can take all 3 at once, but each flag has to be captured in its respective position (eg, middle flag red captured in middle blue flag zone).

That’s all for now, i just thought that CTF needed to have better updates in order for it not to be called the ‘worst gamemode’ in hive.

no, no, no, no, no!

better updates are just fixes to the current mechanics, like nerfing close-range bows and removing the opness of berries for pvp. Also reduce the effect of flag curse, make it 4-5 hears not 3. Also also remove the bad maps like altara and pirates.


Forgot to mention the most important one, coin production increase for teammate(s) leaving.


So ur saying it’s not a good addition to the game, rather nerfing the flag curse and nerfing bow spamming is a good fix to the game?

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Yes, probably +0.5x the production of coins per teammate leaving

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If you want to reduce the opness of flag curses and bow spamming, why not fix the other problems of ctf? Such as camping and stalemates? Is bow spamming and flag curses more important than fixing the actual gameplay?

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Alright I’ll address those issues

Definitely not the way to go, this would make it so much less enjoyable. If you pull off a great play, not spawn killing/camping, this would absolutely ruin it.
A much better solution would be to make that damage boost(after getting spawn killed a while), take affect sooner, maybe by just 1 kill.

I wouldn’t necessarily call this a problem. Although with the lack of items, it makes it a lot harder to outplay the other team.

Id honestly be fine with this, because these new maps are huge. :sweat_smile:
As long as flag holders can’t use them, and can’t be used during combat.
Edit: It should be the leap from blockdrop**, so we can go up, down, whatever direction instead of just straight forward.

Now when buying this would this replace the bow, or be a separate item? If it’s a separate item I’d be down for it ig.

Diamond is a no because it wouldn’t do anything besides make fights longer, making stalemates even worse.
Poison arrow is a no, the damage ticking would be awful, and the crossbow is already a buff to bows.

If it was the sword from skywars, and included a new team upgrade that puts some fire protection on your armor, I’d be okay with this.

Now an item I’d love is the lasso, you can read about it here. I know it’s not a suggestion for ctf, but it would still be a great item for ctf too imo.

Now I do still agree with Absurd, they should fix the current mechanics instead of adding more. With adding a few items. Ohhh I remember another thing, after buying an iron sword, the diamond sword should be cheaper, maybe not 100, but 150.


That seems like a bunch of good ideas. Yes, the kill camping issue was one that I was thinking of for a while, your idea seems better. The crossbow is a seperate item because I wanted an item that dealt more damage without people bowspamming them. The fire sword could also come with the fire protection upgrade for your team, poison arrows would be replaced by crossbows, no diamond armor, the lasso seems like a yes/no as if you hold it and bring the flag holder closer to you that seems a bit op. The flag holder also shouldn’t be allowed to hold the deathrun leap. Thanks for your suggestions.




You don’t have to respond to Electr0Fuse’s question with a yes/no answer. Even though the question expects a yes/no answer in nature, it is a loaded question. This means it assumes some other statement to be true just by asking the question.

The statement in question is that bow spamming and flag curses are not actual gameplay.
This of course, isn’t true; bow spamming and flag curses are a part of the gameplay. Due to this, you wanting those features improved isn’t selfish, as Electr0Fuse claimed in one of his involuntarily redacted posts.


Altara a goated map•-• pirates i can agree

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