Many people have suggested trying on costumes and I agree with the idea but I think it should go further like build your own costume like similar to custom characters in your skins example: fairy wings 50 minecoins and ur costume stops when uve reaches 310 minecoins so I can make my own like wolf wearing clown outfit or something like that tell me wut u think in the comments below probably won’t be added tho
and pls Vote
Nah, I prefer my costumes premade by actual costume makers. Also I can see people abusing this feature easily.
no, also dont beg for votes your begging to people who might not like the idea to vote it anyways
i have seen topics like that, no reason to try on costumes though when just looking at the thumbnail for the costume is all you need to determine whether or not you want it.
the rest of the idea is somewhat cool but just it doesnt seem like the idea would work out, also i dont think the Marketplace works like that, and don’t say yes it could because of character creator cause that is a different thing but im not trying to be rude. also just cause barely anyone would probably make custom costumes and actually spend minecoins to make a costume that you might just only like for a temporary amount of time.
It’s a suggestion none the less and it was a wild idea and I said it probably won’t be added
Everyone’s hating on this for no reason
no one is really hating this we are just showing how hive would probably react to it.
I think the “build your own costume” part of your suggestion would be difficult to implement. It doesn’t seem like there’s a way to do this.
“11 months later”
bruh bun
Are you @Cyanwolf2014 because I don’t know if you cyanwolf even though your profile says so…
It’s my old account this Is my new account
ohhhh i was confused srry