Colour blind mode name tags

Add a command [E.G: /colourblind] to bring up a menu that gives you a bunch of options for people who are colour blind.

IM NOT COLOUR BLIND MY SELF but I have friends that are and allways complane about not bieng able to see the team colour

EDITED PART: In the chat settings on minecraft you can change you text colour, its been done befor om mc just it will be taken and used in a different way, im only talking about the name tags in like tw and sw because there are teams (squads etc)

F1 2021 has a verry good egsample of this for different settings for different types of colour blindness.

P.S. my account was hacked 2 weeks ago, i have it back again. and no I’m not a troll the person who hacked me was, im sorry for any inconveniences

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basically Hive would need to change the colours and textures of literally everything multiple times due to several Colorblindness types
that’s impractical, would be super laggy as they would all need to be present at once in a way, and i don’t think it’s even possible
I don’t see mc implenting this either tbh

are there any apps or plugins which change your screen to Colorblind mode? I’m not sure but that’s your best option


you type the comand in the chat like /hub or /q then it pops up a menu and you can select the mode you want

In the chat settings on minecraft you can change you text colour, its been done befor om mc just it will be taken and used in a different way, im only talking about the name tags in like tw and sw because there are teams (squads etc)

should’ve specified that
edit your original post

that’s probably more possible, but the team colours on the island would be normal and that’d prolly confuse people

atleast it would be better them memerising you teamates name lol

It’s an abbreviation in Latin, Exampli Gratia

What was your previous account?

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It might be a hassle for the hive, but it is possible

it was this account i got it back

Bump bc 1 of my friends is colour blind

Yeah there are different types but as far my knowledge only one where everything is white gray and black

Im myself a strong deutan and have trouble trying to differ between lime orange and yellow nametages sometimes. Ive had occasions where ive walked past someone from lime team when im in yellow (you were there in the game bro :sob: ) because of this

Just a high contrast theme like instead of lime Dark Green or a darker shade of Lime would be helpful


Same with me
Im also a strong deutan
Implementing this in the server would be very helpful

Same happens with me in almost every match in which I get lime, yellow or green


Same for me too

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I feel like this would be great as I’m not colorblind but one of my friends irl are and There’s some good news as the Hive is planning to add a colorblind mode for Blockparty