Chorus Fruit In Skywars

I was curious if you guys wanted to see Chorus fruit from treasure wars implemented into Skywars? Or even Skywars Kits to be a less powerful version of the void walker. It would be less strategic than the one in treasure wars, but I was curious what you thought about it


Maybe make this a suggestion if you want it to be voted on :smiley:

I’m a forums noob. Ill try to do that


Click edit, then where it says “Hive Discussion”, make it Suggestions, Skywars

Edit: Yay!

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Could be a great addition to SkyWars Kits, maybe as part of the Panik kit to get away? I think it’d prolong games of normal SkyWars tho. :thinking:


Make sure to vote for you own suggestion!

I agree with you, maybe not in normal Skywars but maybe in a kit.

running has been a problem in skywars please no :cold_sweat:


But with all the damage it deals, who knows

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I don’t even know if I want it or not


That’s what forumers say when someone suggests something :wink:

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I saw you mention this in your stream lol. I really like this idea tbh, Voted!

Chorus fruit is an absolute pain in Treasure Wars. The only saving grace is that it’s an diamond item, which makes it pretty rare unless it’s a very late game.

All items in SkyWars come from chests-and it’s much faster paced.

So, with this being a quick item to get, it will be such a pain.

he has been on the forums since march 2021

Chorus fruit is actually a diamond item, not an emerald one.

I feel like the chorus fruit shouldn’t be in SkyWars. For one thing, there really isn’t a reason for players to go back to their spawn, unlike in Treasure Wars where you can upgrade your defenses, buy items, and upgrade your generator. Another thing, all it would really do imo is make runners more of a pain to deal with (They’re already a pain to deal with since pearls are really common, so chorus fruit would only make it worse by allowing them a free tp back to their spawn island). Overall, it would just prolong the game and make it less fun to play.

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I agree with Luca, just adding it to the Panik Kit should be fine.

but it should have some consequence (other than health). not sure what right now feel free to suggest.

if it were to be in normal skywars then making it rare – kinda like Nemo, where you can only get it from Emerald Ore – would be logical

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This would be an interesting Addition to Skywars

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Kits already has an annoying Void Walker kit and most of the kits games I played has 7/12 (duos). If something like chorus fruit is added you’ll see players who would be losing battles get teleported to their island and judging by the post, they seem to be stackable (since the one in tw you can buy multiple times)

I wouldn’t really like to fight the same person 3 times even with the damage it deals, sorry


Danny vote for ur own suggestion

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