rfuhiurfhiurf woopsie. just did now
I made a, in my opinion, good quality of life suggestion for treasure wars and it has not been added a yet, it would help so much.
With this suggestion I think you should have to check if the sword has sharp 1 or 2 or you can prevent your enemy from knowing which one you have by using the enchanted iron sword always. This is mainly why I didn’t vote, it’s almost like a strategy to not let others know which it is.
Yeh but other players shouldn’t be able to know whether you have sharp one or two because sharp 2 is stronger than sharp 1 and sharp 1 is the same as diamonds sword so if they have diamond sword and think you have sharp 2 they will be more afraid
That’s what I was saying that’s the strat, always hold the enchanted iron
You make a good point, but it’s still really annoying to sort through your inventory every time you pick up an enchanted iron sword
I believe that should stay otherwise it would be very easy to just not take any of the enchanted iron swords and only taking the enchanted diamond one
We should make every sword the same, so we have to pick them all up
Haha very funny.
To get the strongest sword you have to work at least a little bit. I think that’s balanced
It isn’t even that much work, it’s just a quality of life thing. I can’t believe that you, as a mobile player, wouldn’t want this added. I think a better way to make the 8 damage sword more balanced would be to lower it’s chances of dropping, because atm, I think it has the same chances as the 7 damage sword
Blueslime: here’s my cue
Oops sorry for bump but whatever big funni
ikr finding the right boom boxes are a pain
Yeah that’s annoying but it’s a different story because there’s 4 of them. They should make it easy to differenciate those
It’s not that Hard to tell the difference though, but I wouldnt mind it
I like this idea, but I’m also the kind of person who keeps a diamond, sharp 2 iron, and a fire aspect sword in my hotbar
Do it, but I wonder if they can make it secret…
It would take a day for the entire community to find out
sharp 1 diamond, nah I prefer the one we have now
wow funni number votes, :captainomegalul:
I agree and also thier should be a sharp 2 d sword to
A sharp 2 diamond sword would would kind of be op
Can you please provide a reason?