Block Drop - Underwater - Reachable Background Areas

Affected Service: Block Drop
Map Name: Underwater
Region: NA

Explanation of Bug:
Some area’s along the bottom of the map on the backgrounds are able to be reached and stood on. Here, blocks will not break, so a player can easily win the game or survive with someone else the full 10 minutes.

Device: Nintendo Switch
Version: 1.20.1

Example of landing on a bugged area:

All bugged areas being stood on:

Edit(July 15, 23): I think that a recent fix on Underwater caused this bug. A player wouldn’t be able to stand on any of the areas if the kill zone was raised higher, but since that got lowered, this issue was introduced. Link to other bug: Void too close to final floor / Block Drop

Edit(September 3, 23): Third times the charm… Block drop underwater not fixed fully


Hey there :wave:

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. It has been logged and you can look forward to a fix in the future.

Stay safe and well


Hey there :wave:

This issue has been fixed :tada:

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