Bedwars season concept: Sunken treasure

So most people know that Treasure wars is getting replaced with bedwars soon, right? Well, that had announced seasons for it, and here is my idea for one!
It is called: bedwars season _: Sunken treasure
So my thoughts with this were that since treasure wars is going to be replaced, why not have a season based on it?

So, here will be everything you can do in the season:


Kill 5 players
Break 5 beds
Get 5 final kills
Complete the note
Stuff like that. Please keep me think of more

new kraken quest

In the bedwars microhub there will be a kraken npc which will give you a quest:
Find 10 ships in a bottle, which you can find by destroying treasures.
Every 10 ships in a bottle you level up one level, so you need 200 to get to max.

New unlocks

Here would be the level unlocks(going only to level 20)
Level 1: watery wood frame
Level 2: ship topper
Level 3: pirate flag pillow
Level 4: Hubtitle: Sunken treasure
Level 5: purple wood frame
Level 6: ship in a bottle topper
Level 7: golden pillow
Level 8: Hubtitle: Deep sea diver
Level 9: gold topper
Level 10: sand with jewels bedsheet
Level 11: wooden chest pillow
Level 12: Hubtitle: Plunderer
Level 13: sword avatar
Level 14: kill message: p1 sunk p2s ship
Level 15: waves bedsheet
Level 16: Hubtitle: Land bo!
Level 17: diamond pillow
Level 18: pirate hat
Level 19: Tentacles back bling
Level 20: Hubtitle: Master of the sea, kraken costume

This is all I have for now, since I don’t really know what the seasons are supposed to look like. I’ll add more probably when bedwars comes out.
If anyone would like to create concepts feel free.
Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback!

I’d actually prefer this and the Treasures could be swapped with bed designs.


You mean you prefer the idea that you linked?