BedWars And SkyBlock

I know I know, Hive already has Treasure Wars so why need BedWars? A lot of you say that Hive’s Version of Bedwars is Treasure Wars but that minigame is a piece of sh**. It’s really cringy, the shop ui, I mean at least give us a wooden sword after we spawn, the generator. If Hive can’t add Bedwars, at least add these two features in Treasure Wars:

  1. An option for a chest ui in the shop.
  2. give a wooden sword after the player re-spawns.


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welcome to the forums first of just play hypixel or another server identical to hypixel’s bedwars if you don’t like the Hives. Hive makes the games different so it is unique and not just an exact copy of other servers. also both of your ideas have been suggested before here and here. Next time use the :mag: in the top right corner to see if it exists.


The one thing I can’t understand is why you people think that just because so many servers have the same minigame, you automatically say that the minigame is not unique(in some cases it is true). Make BEdwars unique bruh, gamemodes, more player options(like 8 players or 10).

Sorry, but if you want to play Hypixel minigames, go on Hypixel or Hyperlands

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No, because they don’t want to just rip off of Hypixel

Skyblock has been suggested many times in the past. If you want to, you can continue the discussion here.

But for treasure wars, spawning in with a sword is basically easy mode for those who are breaking into your treasure based on some experiments I have made. You will always kill them or push them off the edge, making the games kind of longer because it’s harder to destroy the treasure. But hey, that may just be me so feel free to correct any information.

If you want to have a feel of spawning with a sword, just buy a lot of stone swords, save them in the e-chest, and when you die and someone is at your island, you can use the sword. :slight_smile:

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This would just really mess with the meta imo. It would make it so rushing immediately after buying your first wool is the only viable option for early game, as buying a stone sword wouldn’t really be worth it unless you have extra gold sitting around.

It would also make games much, much, longer, as you wouldn’t be able to stop turtles from getting a sword & would pretty much either need to hide yourself in their defense or have dia armor to get through it.

Treasure Wars is a very fun gamemode, and the account Icehero22YT has first played Treasure Wars 3 days ago for the first time. If you have joined so early, played 16 games in total and won 0 of them, how can you decide whether or not TW is fun and should remain a feature or not?

Spend sometime without a bias for Bed Wars, then maybe you’ll understand why it is perfect as it is. Repsawning with a sword is unnecessary, it’s not that hard to store sword in the ender chest.

edit- why did it become a link???


Duplicate suggestions