Balance the giftboxes in the backrooms

The main issue I come across in the backrooms is the gift boxes. These boxes are scattered everywhere and when you open them they give you either a cupcake that gives you one of two effects, or a flashlight. That being said, that “one of two effects” would be invisibility, which wouldn’t be a problem if that effect wasn’t basically accessible everywhere you go, and this poses a problem for the murderer. Sure the murderer can also use these effects, but when it gets down to 2 people and one of them is the sheriff, things get very unbalanced very quickly, as most games they are stacked with cupcakes and will keep trying for invisibility, making it impossible for the murderer to react to their zapper if they see them. If the murderer cannot find one of these boxes due to them already being opened, the murderer is at an immediate disadvantage, as if there wasn’t one enough. So perhaps the gift boxes should be a little less common everywhere, because another thing that they do is reappear, along with only needing 3 coins to get them, so please, make them less common, balance it out. I’m tired of dying to something I can’t even see.

Okay… what’s your point? The objective of Murder Mystery is to survive, that being said, you’re supposed to do whatever you can to do so.
Adding on to that, the round getting down to two players can range in rarity depending on how skilled the murderer or sheriff is, and the fact that there is only one of them in each round makes it even less common.
It also doesn’t matter if the murderer can’t see them or not, since the point of the cupcakes is to make the player invisible or swifter.

Once a box is opened, in a matter of 3 seconds, another one will be spawned somewhere around the map. If they were a little less common, where did that just be a bigger problem?
Remember, the cupcakes are there to serve a purpose, and if you’re annoyed of it, just don’t play Murder Mystery.
I’m also going to connect my post of the opposing side of the gifts. :point_down:

I was first going to consider this until you said “just dont play murder mystery”
That’s the point. And I understand sometimes as murderer, I will die, that’s a given, but even the most skilled will have trouble with the invis effect. This can go for both sides. And I made this post not to end up just leaving one of my favorite games, I made it to hopefully make the experience better for everyone and all roles, so imo, the gift boxes should be reduced. Also, if the sole purpose of murder mystery is to survive, then that should just be a survival game. In a gamemode where there are different roles, there should be equal chance for each role to win. If the sole purpose for the murderer was to survive, they wouldnt kill, but they have a different reason to be there. And while the innocents main goal is to survive, they can also get a zapper, which if you have the rest of the innocents all having zappers, then they all get invisibility, there is major balancing issues.

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I see your point, but I still don’t agree. See, if all the innocents get zappers (which is highly unlikely), it gives an even lower percentage of the invis effect.
Also, the roles are already equal, and as I said, the present need no nerf, as it is already pretty balanced and gives effects to all roles.