Archery Range in Swarms Base

In swarms bases, it has been confirmed there are several sub-games, for practicing and entertainment. However, one thing that i think would be cool is an archery range. This would let you get used to Hive’s bow physics as well as just general sniping.

How would it work?

I was thinking (with the help of @OnlyOrbixx ) you would be able to choose a few vantage points where you could take shots from. You could then shoot at a multitude of target blocks at a multitude of ranges. Some targets would be static, others would be moving constantly, maybe even with varying speeds. Some targets, upon being hit, will unlock more targets that were previously hidden.


Different targets will give a different amount of points, to go onto the swarm leaderboard (vote here). This could help you gauge your skill level as well as compare yourself to others.


There could be two modes: competitive and practice. Your scores would only be counted in competitive, but would still be recorded in practice so you know how well you did. Competitive could be 5 minutes, where as practice could be infinite.

Concept images (To be updated if I or Orbi can be bothered):

a concept for the entrance, made by @OnlyOrbixx

Awesome suggestion! Would love to see this.
That’s a very nice concept, I wonder who made it.


yeh my friend is always begging for more archery on hive, great suggestion/

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Orbi nice job on the concept!


I agree with everything you said but this. Doesn’t a server need a “cooldown” or smthn?

Keeping the practise rounds of around 10 mins seems fair if the Hive can’t have 100s of these servers going on with people afking in them.

If not, then I have no issue keeping it infinite, just looking out here :eyes:

yeah i get what you mean. I don’t really know how long the practice would be, If it were infinite you wouldn’t have to make a new one every time, but it may lag the server; however if it wasn’t infinite you would have to make a new one every time it ends, which may lag the server.

If they choose to add this all of this is just idea, they can change some of the final details.

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