•-• anti kb potion

what if we had a potion that lasts about 2-3 seconds of anti-kb so u can break out of being juggled or when that runner has snowballs•-• just a quick drink can cost 5 ems or somethin but ye•-• so u arent just gettin juggled or set into a trap ez•-•

I feel like that might mess with the anti-cheat, and personally I feel like the idea is meh, but that is my opinion.


You might get a lot of hackusations though and false reports. Plus, this could be insanely OP if you have lots of these potions.


•-• ye but if they dont last long and you are exchanging drinking a potion for hits in the end you are gonna die unless your stuff is infinitely better than theirs (altho i see where it could be op if you are breaking their treasure after killing em)

Yeah, but as you said “if your gear is way better than theirs” than it would be nearly impossible to kill people with diamond armor while you just have chain or no armor.

One of the main strategies of killing people with higher gear than you, is knocking them off the bridge, which if this potion was added, would be undoable if the enemy has the potion.

And if the player has diamond armor, than they might have enough emeralds to get the potion too, which would be insanely overpowered.


No offense, but i really disagree with this idea. This will basically make comboes useless and like said above, if someone has many of these it will be OP and very annoying. Also if someone has very good armor and they have these potions you wot be able to combo them off and it will be annoying


I mean, it would cost 5 ems, so you’d have to have serious mid control to get more than a couple of these. And you can still get a bow if someone has full dia and somehow manages to get a bunch of these

what if they added a cooldown doe•- •

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I mean… that would be better but then the potion would have no real use or purpose as it wouldn’t really be useful. I also don’t think the enemy would run out of projectiles before the potion wears off.

ye•-• but 3 secs is plenty to take cover or cross a short bridge most people cant hit long shots

I’m personally not a big fan of anything that reduces kb since it can make it hard to tell if someone is cheating or not, can make it hard to win if your opponent has more stuff, and can just screw up everyone’s muscle memory. Snowball combos aren’t impossible to avoid


This would make it even harder to differentiate if the person using the potion has:

  1. Lag
  2. Anti KB
  3. The Potion

Anti KB Hackers can just toggle on for a few seconds and just say “Oh I had the potion. You kinda sus.” As xLonely said, this would render combos useless and no longer a viable option to use against higher tiered armor wearers. I think starting out, if you do get comboed, you learn a lot about comboing itself. When I was a nooby fluffy rock, I got comboed and learned from my opponent you can strafe to get more hits. Having the potion just throws out the stuff I just said out the window to go buy milk. Sometimes the best things you can learn from is your opponent.

Autocorrect just turned comboed into combed.


Im pretty sure everyone disagrees with this idea, mostly because it has to do with haskusation and the anti-cheat,

why/when/where/how would you use it

This will be OP no matter the duration of the potion.

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its says “anti” so not 100%

imagine being on a bridge and someone has this

Posting because I see that you aren’t getting a lot of support :joy:

I understand the problems people are mentioning… but I get your point. It is kinda OP if someone starts comboing (is that how you spell it?? lol) into the air and all you can do is sit back and watch it happen. One or two of these would be an interesting dynamic to add to keep combat fun.

However, I feel as if this may be very difficult to actually put in for a number of reasons, most of which have already been mentioned. The biggest issue I see is all the false reports and such that arise for it. It may even allow hackers to get away with things more easily because they can claim they used a anti-kb potion. I like the idea a lot though :+1:

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If you get comboed into the air just place some blocks in front of the person

You see, a person could easily get two or three of these after they get diamond armor. And then you find yourself against someone with two or three of these, diamond armor, and potentially a block breaker and some pearls. Absolutely unstoppable. No way to counter it except for running. Good luck running faster than their pearls.

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