Except they’d have to have a lot of ems to get more than a couple of these if they’re priced at 5 ems, and bowspam can still counter them if they don’t take much kb
I am almost positive that I have comboed @anon14919351, a really good PC player (I am also PC), before, and I myself have been comboed by, @CommanderCreamy, an Xbox player, before. And don’t even get me started on mobile, they can break combos so easily. Just think of comboing like sprint jump bridging, anyone can do it with enough practice, but not everyone knows how to do it, but once you do, it is extremely powerful. And stopping a combo is just like learning how to pearl clutch, it takes time and practice, but it can save entire games.
Once you get diamond armor, 15 ems is pretty easy to get. And once you get 43, what does another 3 hurt to grab a pearl and just teleport to them that way you don’t get knocked off the bridge? I mean, even just 4 diamonds to get a kb boombox would work.
And it’s hard to get dia armor, and you can still win fights against people with dia armor before they get another 15(though it would be harder once gens speed up, but that rarely happens in solos, and in other modes you can gang up on the stacked person)
if it doesn’t help as much, don’t you think the idea is bad from the start?
this would coz a lot of lag and many people would get reported for anti-cheats.
But if the devs can figure out something, only the lag is removed…
If there was slwoness and keeping the kb potion for a high price (16 diams) would make it fair.
other than the fact that you can just pearl and negate the slowness disadvantage
he did say it was for chasing runners in the topic so i dont think slowness will be good
this is the worst idea as the anticheat would do a false ban due to a antikb potion rendering legitimately hacks
If the original poster wanted a potion to help chase runners, they should have suggested a speed potion, but antikb? Why? If someone is running, I don’t think antikb is going to help much. They could have an arsenal full of snowballs, and it still wouldn’t be worth it do spend 3 seconds drinking a potion, if they were “running”. Hive would likely add it as a spell, which would be consumed instantly, which would destroy the meta, I mean, you just use KB tnt to get to their island, spell midair, and then just endstone yourself or use a block breaker. How is 5/10 ems, 4 diamonds, and 32/0 gold fair for an instant team wipe? It would only work as a potion, the exact way Hive wouldn’t add it.
Not to mention, how runners almost never get away from their chaser(In my experience). As inconvenient as it might be, just chase them, they can’t run forever, and the time they spend throwing snowballs, is often more than the time you spend getting hit by said snowballs. And if they are running and then snowballing you over and over, just wait for them to run out. They clearly don’t have too much of a plan except for getting away, which is practically impossible.
@mods I think this can be closed because many people disagree with this idea, if this does not need to be closed some one flag my comment
Did you read this —> Here
Ah ty, I already read it but must of forgot some stuff ty
It would also mean that people could use anti kb hacks without being kicked if these were added
It already feels like people have velo like 90% of the time so no
this would ruin the anticheat imo
anyways whats next? An AuToClIcK potion lol
Lol imagine there is a potion like that
Yeah the Auto Click and KB would mess up anti cheat so nah i take my vote back
Can we get a G O D potion next???
Might as well add the free win potion.