There should be an AFK detector becuse many times, the game just goes and all that time you are AFK. That can affect statistics huge time. Because my tablet has the ability to keep apps on while screen is off.
Wow! I though this was a duplicate.
There should be an AFK detector becuse many times, the game just goes and all that time you are AFK. That can affect statistics huge time. Because my tablet has the ability to keep apps on while screen is off.
Wow! I though this was a duplicate.
Actually Powerful Device Gang?
Can’t relate.
I don’t know, some cheap tablets have that ability but back on topic.
Woah :0
No, I was AFK through maybe 5 games and lost them all. I even did a test and no AFK Detector.
Hello, this seems to be a duplicate suggestion of this post: Auto-kick players if they are AFK for 15-30 minutes
In the future please use the forum’s search feature to ensure that you aren’t creating a duplicate suggestion.