Adding Cobwebs to TW

wait what if we put a 15-30 cobweb limit?

no i am talking about when you get someone stuck in the web.
if u were on any other console other than mobile.
they have the same advantage as you, because on mobile u cant doge and go around them will hitting them but on any other console u can
(i never played console so please correct me)

can we stay on topic and not get this locked?

This is my opinion but, Nooooooooooo!!


hey look! Cobwebs!


frick i didnā€™t realized this was already existent, I look for another suggestion and couldnā€™t find it

Also, I feel like the setting now is different, April was pre-update right? So no tnt and no iron armor everywhere, and bowspamming was very prevalent, I feel like itā€™s kinda justified to bring it up again

should I ask to close this thread and just give the other one a bump?

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Maybe it could be 3 emeralds for 5 cobwebs

Also @Hlzyzptlk

1 emerald per cobweb?