Cobwebs in Treasure Wars

I know this has been suggested quite a few times, but a suggestion dedicated to cobwebs hasn’t been made before. A cobweb is a versatile item with many uses.

Cobwebs could be used for clutches. This could be used to take less fall damage at a minor cost of being slowed. This allows for an easier treasure break.

As cobwebs slow the opponents down, they could be used to slow down or even trap a opponent, especially on a bridge.

Treasure Defense
Cobwebs could potentially be used as a treasure defense, slowing the opponent down to get some crucial extra hits

Taking less knockback
One of the most overpowered thing about cobwebs are that although it slows movement, It also decreases knockback. A person with full diamond armor using cobwebs next to a treasure defense could mean a free treasure break.

As seen above, cobwebs have many uses, but if priced incorrectly, it could be extremely overpowered. A good price range for me is 1 gold for 1 cobweb to 1 gold for 4 cobwebs. Cobwebs could be used as an incredibly fun and helpful item in Treasure Wars, and can bring in new strategies and playstyles.

Thanks for reading my ted talk.

I like this idea, but some people might not because cobwebs would allow a new way to trap players at spawn and on their base if you spammed them and that might contribute to XP farming. Though cobwebs could be use as a great first layer defense because in the first 15 seconds of the game people usually only have blocks and no sword when rushing, so they would need a sword to get to your treasure.

there’s no difference between normal xp farming and this kind of xp farming, but I get what you mean.

To get around the spamming they could introduce some sort of limit as they have with the golden apples but instead of a game wide limit, you limit them to player or team so lets say a limit of 5 to a player, that allows a small layer of defence at the first layer, or to use away from the base .

overall I like the idea of cobwebs it would add a different element to the game.

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I wouldn’t like that tbh. Cobwebs would be one of the most strategic items, and for once it would require strategy instead of pvp skill. Putting a cap on cobwebs would nerf cobwebs too much. I would rather the price change to 5 gold for 1 cobweb.

instead of gold using maybe diamonds as then it would allow them to be less easily spam bought, as incorrectly priced they could be fatal.

I still think they should defiantly be added.

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If we add more special items to treasure wars, then it would be really fun and unique. Cobwebs to be honest? It’s gonna be such a hassle to deal with them, since crossing from island to island usually is bridged by one line, to rush. Snowballs already is such a hassle. adding cobwebs would make it triple the difficulty

True, but like normal block placements, you could just place a block and jump over them. When you get in a cobweb, it’s not that hard to mine out if you have a sword. (also it was kind of meant to be a hassle, in treasure wars, a few seconds are crucial)

I feel like cobwebs would be more annoying than anything else. Imagine you working hard to get full dia, but then someone just cobwebs you and surrounds you with their team in a team mode, killing you without you being able to move

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you cannot build near spawn since the new update, and it is easy to break the cobwebs with swords

as I said, just break the cobweb, but this would be annoying on bridges. Also, I’ve never gotten stuck in a cobweb before in SG. If someone built a cobweb trap so good It could kill a person with full dia, they deserve the kill

Maybe 1-2 diamonds per web?

Yes I know. I said…

Yes but I don’t think they should add them

Personally I find this to be a good way for people to build under the map and camp there.

I agree it can be strategic and bring new play styles but if you use cob webs in tw I wouldn’t like to be your friend because being able to purchase mass amounts of cobwebs is just asking for a sadist to make you hate the game by placing a lot of cobwebs on your base making you unable to move. Especially if they cost 1 gold each.

This would make the game not fun for other players.

So bad idea

You wouldn’t be able to play the game if I had cobwebs in tw.

The Fun balance would be off.

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Oh wow. I haven’t actually thought about cobweb spamming. Would making it purchasable via 2 to 5 diamonds nerf it? As for building under the map, it has already been countered and is not allowed.


It is not allowed but people still do it. And I guess that would nerf it? That’s more acceptable.