August 3rd, the hive added the new hub, and it was sad leaving the old hub as it was a pretty nostalgic hub but another thing that got removed was the arcade.
It was removed due to impacting player counts on the games that were stored there but I don’t think that’s a good reason to remove something I and many people loved…
If you know what the arcade is, you are welcome to skip to the next section
The arcade was a massive update on hive, it brought 4 mini games. 2 of those were new those being bridge and capture the flag. And the other 2 games were previously an LTM gamemode and those being groundwars and block drop.
It also came with a GIANT and AWESOME hub! It was a futuristic city with a monorail, NPCs as cashiers, and even a 100 golden mailbot hunt! If you found all 100 and yes 100 of them, you got access to my personal favourite part of the arcade, the VIP lounge! It was just a simple tower where players could chill and even included a costume on the top floor!
the simplist way is to support on the post, giving off votes don’t guarantee a suggestion being added, but is a way for hive to know what the players are wanting. But also not begging in the comments “THEY HAVE TO BRING IT BACKKK” since that will bring a whole another conversation.
the most easiest way is to have a chat message in chat saying “feeling bored of the games? Walk through the arcade portal at spawn or type /arcade!” I would also have it in a eye catchy colour, for example a full green text or a full yellow text really catches attention even for people who don’t bother looking in chat.
This will bring a bunch of memories back and will be great if would be added back.
I understand if the hive doesn’t decide to bring it back.
For those of you not wanting to read the entire post, here’s the suggested solution:
A single chat message isn’t going to revive the arcade. Yes, I know you said this isn’t guranteed to get it added and a bunch of other assurances, but at the end of the day, it’s about getting this readded. Don’t try to counter-argue with “Well I said there’s no gurantee this’ll be added so your agrument is instantly invalid.” Or “Oh yeah they could promote it in other ways” Then why aren’t those other ways in the suggestion itself? Sorry if that got a little ranty, I’m starting to get tired of these counter-arguments.
The Arcade was a one time thing. I would say they could do another event, however knowing the effect it can have on the hive, I don’t think it’s worth it. They could “Vault”(not discontinue) games like GW, BD, and possibly GRAV.
it wasnt supposed to be an event though, it was supposed to be permanent. they shouldnt have removed it because they coudlve just made it an explorable hub like parkour worlds, cuz it had so much fun stuff like nemo slap, duels etc. they didnt have to keep the games in one hub and they coudlve just added them to the main hub and arcade hub, or remove them from the arcade and keep in main hub. there was zero point in removing it, and arcade was peak hive
No, the reason It got removed was unfair, it got removed since it was lowering player counts to the games that were in the the arcade hub. Again it could be been fixed with a simple chat message.
Repeating the proposed solution doesn’t help your argument at all when people are debunking it. Please give another solution. This is on topic and/or appropriate to the conversation because it requests that Aarav improves upon his argument that was originally provided to give a new, satisfactory reason to readd the arcade.
Welcome to our forums, and thank you for taking the time to leave a suggestion!
This idea has already been suggested, if you’d like to see it added, be sure to leave a vote on the original post: