Add water bucket in skywars

Idea: add water bucket to skywars

More information: I don’t know if this is duplicate, I hope it is not. So this is just a small thing but helpful for PvPing while your enemy has wooden fire aspect. I know fire doesn’t do that much damage to you, but some people don’t have PvP texture pack on so PvPing when you’re burning is pretty much annoying because of high fire, I know there’s some water on certain areas of the map but it’s better if you carry water on you. Especially if you’re chasing someone on the bridge and they used their spell of trail of fire, you can pretty much get burned if you’re close because you wouldn’t expect that. And if they got off the bridge they could easily kill you if you have no PvP texture pack since it’s hard to PvP with high fire. I know the duration of fire aspect is nerfed and short. Also it’s good for mlg. There’s other way to mlg like cobwebs and haybales, but it’s better on water

duplicate suggestion

use search thingy next time i guess

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This actually wouldn’t be a bad idea in TW either. Saving yourself from fall damage or using it to protect your base. Take my vote