Zapper powerup on Ground Wars

A zapper powerup on Ground Wars. It works just like the one in Murder Mystery, but the projectiles are using the egg instead.

It also shows the enchantment glint

but we already have bows… if that’s not what you mean I need more info.


huh? What do you mean?

An ultimate bow. If the powerup was collected by the player, the player’s bow would be turned into zappers, [extra info] and the zapper will show the enchantment glint on it so the player can see the change.

And what is the difference between a bow and a zapper?

You said like murder mystery, but murder’s is just a bow called “zapper”.

Also what would be the enchantment?

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No enchantment? Just an enchantment glint, I guess

That’s impossible. You’d need an enchant.

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Maybe yes maybe not?

uh ok. By the way could you please answer my other question?

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The enchanment glint (i was about to answer that question but i got focused on the second one) (if its possible)

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Oh okay. But, if the only difference this zapper has from the egg shooting bow is a glint, it’s not something beneficial. Besides, if someone wants extra snazzy bows, they can just use texture packs.


While this is true, for most people it won’t really make a difference. People can still dodge a zapper egg the same as a bow egg.


It’s faster, and doesn’t need to be as angled when shooting far


I think you’re confused between Murder Mystery’s bow mechanics and The Hive’s custom projectile mechanics.

The Zapper (Murder Mystery) is almost identical to Ghost Invasion’s Zapper. It is instant and infinitely long going in a straight line.

Ground Wars’ bow is similar to Survival Games’ and Treasure Wars’ mechanics where it’s arched and you have to pull back your bow for further distances.

Hopefully, this helps. :+1:


I’ve already stated it won’t make a difference.


Can you please explain why? I’m not comprehending how it does not? I would like to see what your thought process is.

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