Working UI Concept's

The Elevator Pitch:
I’ve noticed that certain UI’s made by Minecraft are… Well Lacking. In this post you’ll see two Hive Themed Concepts that I’ve made!

More information:
Emote Wheel UI (Concept shown)

  1. I have made a working UI for the emotes in the Hive Style UI design!

Emote Wheel UI (Concept shown)

  1. I have also made a working UI for the effects screen in the Hive Style UI design!

Both UI’s Video

  1. Here is the video link to both the UI’s in action.
    Both UI's - YouTube

Extra Info
My name is Citicx and I’ve been a UI Artist / UI Designer for the past year, I started on some smaller projects and for the past couple of months I’ve moved onto larger scale projects (Including this one).
I am also willing to share the code incase any Hive Staff members are interested in it! You can reach me via Discord: Citicx#6884 or on Twitter: Citicx

Really great concept, I hope this gets added!


I love this idea but I’m not sure if the hive can remodel Ui made by minecraft.

But this does look amazing voted :cubee:

I mean I think it would be weird if they weren’t allowed, after all the servers are allowed to edit the Server Forms, and some other ones


Yeah not sure if Minecraft allows that this but it’s a really good idea. Voted!

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A good idea my diggity dog very good design aswell

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they did it with the og game selector, so i’m pretty sure they’d be able to do it with the emote wheel

i do really enjoy the wheel (square) you created, just a few things

  • in my opinion, hive should be focusing more on important thing instead of the emote wheel, which is rarely ever used at least by me when i play hive
  • the change emotes button doesn’t really fit the theme
  • it would be cool to see custom hive themed icons for the effects and emote poses, instead of the vanilla ones which also don’t really match the theme

i know i suggested changes to something i said doesn’t feel useful to add, but i just wanted to share so you gather feedback on the actual models :

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