Why is this a thing

im so confused

[today i was casually GRINDING BEDWARS!!! when i noticed smth]

THE BEDWARS CHALLENGES DONT GIVE ENOUGH MEDALS CUZ WE GOT LIKE 14 CHALLENGES AND IN ORDER TO GET All SHOP THINGS (4-matrix bedset 4-carboard bedset 2-emarald topper 2-goodest boy topper 2-matrix mask and 2-micro bed topper and 1-k-d hub title) SO WHY CAN WE ONLY GET 14 POINTS WHEN WE NEED 17 ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA YALL GOT ANY IDEA WHY??

if so please tell me down here v :beedance:

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More things might come this season, including challenges. Make sure to be on the lookout in case a new one appears!


harder challenges give more medals


Yeah, what zRannx said: the harder the challenge, the more medallions you get.


no, I think they only give 1 medal and 500xp per


thats not true

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really?? i’ll check later :sweat_smile:

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There will be more challenges added throughout the season, you don’t need to worry about not being able to unlock all of the cosmetics in the shop.

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