Whole Treasure Wars Menu Translated 🇪🇦

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The Whole Menu of Treasure Wars

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Here’s a list of the whole Menu translated at Spanish:
Blocks = Bloques:
Wool = Lana
Concrete = Concreto
Andesite = Andesita
Auto-Bridge = Puente Automático
EndStone = Piedra del Fin/End

Weapons = Armas
Stone Sword = Espada de Piedra
Iron Sword = Espada de Hierro
Diamond Sword = Espada de Diamante
Bow = Arco
Arrows = Flechas

Armors = Armaduras
Chainmail Armor = Armadura de Malla
Iron Armor = Armadura de Hierro
Diamond Armor = Armadura de Diamante
Fall Boots = Botas de CaĂ­da
Tools = Herramientas
Stone Pickaxe= Pico de Piedra
Iron Pickaxe= Pico de Hierro
Stone Axe = Hacha de Piedra
Iron Axe = Hacha de Hierro
Shears = Tijeras

Special/s = Especial/ es
Ender Pearl = Perla de Ender
Snowball = Bola de Nieve
Golden Apple = Manzana Dorada
Knockback TNT = TNT de Empuje
Compass = BrĂşjula Or Localizador = Locator/Tracker
Chorus Fruit = Fruta Coral

All these words are Correct bc that’s how they are called when u play in Spanish Minecraft language

Plus one:
In Hide and Seek, u could translate the Taunt Menu for Menu de Provocaciones, it’s more long, but more Approved :wink:
(second time, now it is written “Correctly”)

Hey there :wave:

Thanks for submitting a report about an issue with our translations!

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Have a great day! :slightly_smiling_face: