Weird translation in French (Death run)

Affected Language:
Which language does this issue affect? French

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Where is the affected text? Death Run

Affected Text:
Please type the text, exactly as it appears in-game
“Essaie d’échapper aux morts et arrive à la fin le plus vite possible”

Suggested Text:
Please type your suggested correction/improvement
“Essaye d’échapper aux morts et arrive à la fin le plus vite possible”

Explanation of Issue:
What is wrong with the text, and why would your suggested improvement be better?
“Essaie” in the sentence is a verb but in french on this context with use “essaye” cuz here we try to do something
Screenshots and/or video:
Screenshot of the affected text


Hello!! Thank you again for taking the time to create a translation report!! However, the current text of “essaie” is correct, as they are the same word with the same meaning, just with different spellings/pronunciations, with “essaie” being more formal than “essaye,” so the current text will remain in place. Thank you again! :blobheart: