We need to run

My brain thinked of a new survival game game mode (idk)

A weird AI robot (Must have a crazy, insane, weird skin) will chase players and tries to kill them all

The goal is to survive, people can’t attack each other (if you guys disagree, you can change it)

If only 1 player is remaining, the game ends

idk how this will work out tbh, the player who the robot chooses to target first will be at a disadvantage compared to the other players, I really dont like this idea sorry


I do think this is possible, and it would be a lot of fun, the bots shouldn’t be TOO hard to make, Because there are some pvp practice ones.

This would prob be hard to make but I like this idea so you got my vote

I only voted because sg needs an update. Also it sounds cool

i dont think this is about an SG update

They said that they want to add a new survival games mode

O I thought they ment survival games

It is sg it says it right next to suggestions