I think we really need a winter LTM
I don’t care what it is as long as it is fun I am good with it
I am open to suggestions and ideas to what these modes are. my idea is maybe put 10 or 20 players in a maze made of snow and give them all snowballs and let them fight whoever is the last on standing wins.
please suggest things for a winter ltm. a winter ltm is almost guaranteed to happen, and my personal favorite for one is "Sled Race" New Holiday Season LTM 🛷
I made one a while ago check it out if you are interested.Gift Wars
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I did suggest something tho
it sounds like a fun game I will vote for it
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oh thats my bad, I skipped over that part at first. I have major adhd lol. so this would be like ground wars but in a maze with snowballs? I like it but its too similar to normal gw tbh
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