Voting System for LTMs

So my idea it that we add a voting system that activates during when an LTM is added and for the entire duration of the LTM, you can vote for whether it stays or has to go.

I was thinking of making it have 3 options like, Keep it - Make it stay for a little longer - It’s bad, Make it go. ( I made up these options just as I’m writing this so they aren’t the best but, you guys can add more )

For the Keep it option, Our awesome Hive Staff could like give a 1 week cool down and then fix some things in that brink of time, then release it to the public as an actual game, I also suggest them to look through here for future games because there’s a bunch of actually good ideas like a “Mace” game and more…

Make sure to let me know your opinion about this too…

Let me go though a list of hive’s LTMs. Ghost Invasion: Leaves after halloween, Mob Game: Was tested for 14 days and might return, Bedwars manor: Leaving after season 2, MM LTM: This could work, JB LTM: This could work.

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yep, I really hope this gets added because a lot of player opinions get missed out.

The thing is no one will vote for an ltm to leave, but it eventually needs to in most cases. Let’s say manor stays forever, what happens with it is it loses everything that made it special. Nothing in it feels unique anymore as we’ve had it for years. Yes, they will update it if it stays forever, but the core game of it is ruined. Players slowly quit playing it as other ltms come out, splitting the queue times making it hard to find a lobby, and disabling pbmm making it die down even more.

Ltms are limited for a reason, but I would like for them to stay in a rotation. Skywars is kinda starting to do that with classic, kits, and royale.


True, but instead of the let it stay button how about we just have a button to keep it longer for those players who want to play it, so there’s a rotation but just a longer duration.