Voting Screen - German Translation Improvement

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):

Affected Text:
Hive+ Mitgliederstimmen zählen doppelt

Suggested Text:
Mit Hive+ zählt deine Stimmt doppelt

Explanation of Issue:
The current translation is unclear because the word “Mitgliederstimmen” is not commonly used in the german language. The new translation removes the word and is clrearer to a german native.

Screenshots and/or video:

Hey there,

Thank you for submitting a translation bug report for our German translations. To ensure that the translation matches the English string, "What map would you like to play? Hive+ members votes count for 2.", we have decided to change the translation to the following the string:

Welche Karte möchtest du spielen? Stimmen von Hive+ Mitgliedern zählen doppelt.

Have a great day! :blobheart:

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