Voting in MM Needs a Change

If it’s not already made aware, some maps are getting excessively voted, especially in regards to particular maps Office, Castle Town and the Backrooms. Often or not these maps are winning votes back to back, whether it’s due to community hype or because parties are stacking the votes on the same map. Either which way, there should be some kind of mitigator to give other players a chance to play on their favourite map more often. I, have came up with 3 different ways to mitigate this.

Plan A: Party Nerf.
Possibly controversial, though when aren’t parties controversial in MM, in stacked parties players will often vote for the same map together, ultimately winning the vote in an absolute landslide. So the solution? Halving the vote power of all Party members, this way it can still be winnable by an unstacked majority. Unfortunately this only focuses on one of the aspects that causes repetitive map voting, and only truly has impact during the twilight hours of Hive’s uptime.

Plan B: Taking Turns.
As the name implies, after you get a chance to play your map, the next lobby you will not be able to vote. This will give other players a chance to vote for their map. How will this work exactly? This will only take effect on players who voted for the winning map. This plan, unlike plan A, can both cover party majority but also keep unstacked majority in check as well.

Plan C: A Last Resort.
As already suggested by a friend of mine in chat (who has long since maxed the game), voting would be completely removed, a map will be rolled by random, meaning their would be no bias towards a favourite map winning or an undesired map never winning. Unfortunately this would come at the cost of everyones free will to vote for maps.

WHAT. So now Hive Plus is useless? And people without it get half a vote? Also, if you’re in a party with nobody else, than that still halves your votes?

this hasn’t happened since Backrooms came out smh. I barely see one map get voted every round. And if you want to get a diff map, I have a very good idea! Use /q murder!

this is okay, but I personally can deal with two times in a row the same map. It’s not that bad. Also I don’t think it’s possible for the game to track the last map voted because if people from different lobbies in previous game join in one lobby, than you’ll probably only be able to vote for one to two maps. That’s just the logistics of what you’re saying.

okay cool lol

ftlog that’s crazy. This is one of the core aspects of the game, and you’re saying to completely remove it? MM is like the 3rd/2nd most popular game on the Hive, and one of Hive+'s features is to give you two votes. So what now they can’t use that in an entire game? That’s just insanely crazy.

Thank you for acknowledging that. :slight_smile:

So overall, there should be a way to fix map spamming/reptitive maps, but this really isn’t the way to fix it.

Have a great day! :smile:

PS: no offense to you @DuncanDont or your maxed friend. I don’t have anything against you, I just disagree with your idea. Regards!


I tried /q murder before to not get backrooms or castle town. Solid queueing for 3+ minutes straight lmfao

All great options i think, C being the best. Finally give the unloved maps actual chances of being selected

Another great point made by a friend,

Voting in hive in general is broken considering how overpowered party induced voting is


c is the worst, voting is what makes hive unique, it would just become a hypixel clone if you did this kind of stuff.

let’s settle it here. so the conclusion is we’re all going to have different opinions. we don’t have to agree, but we also don’t have to argue. now let’s leave room in the replies for other forumers to reply xd


Whats your favourite mm map if i may ask

3 options.

That’s it, that should be the solution. No more 7 different maps. They need to lower the amount of map voting options in EVERY GAME… besides gravity.

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Well you can simply get hive+ for this

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But Hive is not Hypixel and Hive’s player community is different too. Do you know why they don’t bring TIMV, that’s a more exciting game.
I was thinking about a way is this round’s map will not appear in the next round’s vote. I don’t know mm had how many maps so I’m not sure if this can be implemented

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what irks me is that we have a teleporter quest yet only a handful of maps have teleporters.
doesn’t help that those maps are not office, castle town and backrooms


fairy town ( i think that’s what it’s called) next time message me to ask those questions