Vote Update

Yes, this might sounds crazy but I’m serious. This is the

:-1: Vote Update! :+1:

Votes are already good but I have some ideas to revamp them. Here you go!

Downvoting :frowning:

The original idea was made by @Blockbyblock98 so you should check out his original idea as now I’ll rework it.

Downvoting is an Hive+ perk that allows you to downvote a map.

Downvote just do -1 and not -2.

Random option :dizzy:

If this new option win, a random map, etc. will be selected.

It won’t be avaible in Gravity as you must vote for multiple maps.

In the pic there will be 5 maps took from 5 different games (thanks to @Thomas4725!)

New Vote UI :cubee:

I think we also could make smaller the vote UI, that so you can see all the maps without scrolling.

I noticed that in EU (my region) players usually vote the first map appeared in the UI.

That’s it for now! Consider voting and all feedbacks, positive or critical, are accepted!


Suggest something useful and your name will appear here.


When I first saw this, I thought this was like that joke snapshot for Java!
The picture for the “random option” could be five different maps?

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Yes, why not? Maybe 5 five maps took from 5 different games! Thank you!

Great formatting, but this idea has already been suggested.



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It’s a part of my suggestion, it’s not a dupe.
Didn’t you see I mentioned them?

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This is pointless. if yu don’t want a map to win, just vote for a different one.

And if you don’t know what map to vote for, just don’t vote.

Actually, you can only vote for one map in gravity.

Nah, then it would be hard to see what the maps look like for mobile and switch.

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This ^^

Honestly, a vote update would be pointless, and it would just make voting for maps more complicated.

I just want the ability to unvote. I accidentally click on a map but I wanted my vote to be random and now we’re playing one of my least favourite maps bc of Hive+'s double voting power :sob:

And i usually have high ping so all the menus take an eterity to load up and I dont have enough time to pick another map that I like and then I click on the same map that I didnt want and it just becomes a whole mess.

So yeah. Please add the ability to remove my vote :pray:


I’ll add it but does the random option solve the problem?

I think I already heard this…

It could be still a good thing to implement. Think about MM for example: think that downvote don’t exists and you couldn’t want to see Office (because it get often voted). Vote random and another map might be selected.

Hell, yeah I forgot.


Also @JJ81611.
I hated the “playpus” but the end of “playpus” it’s not accepted…

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Make it a feature >:)

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Again, if you don’t want a map to win, vote for a different one.

What if there was favourites in your locker which automatically votes for your favourite maps but if one isnt available it goes to the next one
